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Магазин Книги Шри Ауробиндо, Матери, Сатпрема.
The Mother (Sri Aurobindo)
This volume contains of two different but related works of Sri Aurobindo: The Mother and Letters on the Mother. It also includes His translations of passages from the Mother's Prayers and Meditations. These three constituents make up the three parts of the volume.
"The Mother" consists of six chapters, all of them written in 1927. The first chapter was originally written as a message, the second to fifth chapters as letters. The sixth and longest chapter was written for inclusion in a booklet that eventually comprised the message, the letters, and Chapter 6. This booklet was first published under the title The Mother in 1928. The present text has been checked against Sri Aurobindo's manuscripts.
The letters on the Mother included in Part Two have been selected from the large body of letters that Sri Aurobindo wrote to disciples and others between 1927 and 1950. Most of his letters from this period are published in the "Letters on Yoga" of The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Others appear in volume "Letters on Himself and the Ashram" and "Letters on Poetry and Art". The letters chosen for inclusion in the present volume deal with the Mother in her individual, universal and transcendent aspects.
The translated extracts from the Mother's "Prayers and Meditations" included in Part Three comprise all the passaged that Sri Aurobindo is known to have translated entirely on his own.
Section One
The Mother: Individual, Universal, Transcendent
- The Mother and the purpose of Her embodiment
- The Mother: some events of Her life
- Three Aspects of the Mother
- The Mother, the Divine and the Lower Nature
- Forms, Powers, Personalities and Appearances of the Mother
Section Two
The Mother, Sri Aurobindo and the Integral Yoga.
- Two in One
- Incarnation and Evolution
- Difficulties of the Pathfinders
- Helpers on the Way
- The Mother and Sri Aurobindo in dreams, visions and experiences
Section Three
The Mother and the practice of the Integral Yoga
- Aspiration and surrender to the Mother
- Opening, sincerity and the Mother's Grace
- The Mother's Presence
- The Mother's Force
- Sadhana through work for the Mother
- The Mother's lights
- The Mother in visions, dreams experiences
- The Mother's help in difficulties
Section Four
The Mother in the life of the Ashram
- The Mother and the sadhana in the Ashram
- The Mother as Guru and Guide
- The Mother and the discipline in the Ashram
- Work for the Mother in the Ashram
- Relation between the Mother and Her Children
- Meeting the Mother
- Aspects of the Mother's life in the Ashram
Section Five
On three works of the Mother
Note on the texts
Sri Aurobindo Ashram
ISBN 978-81-7058-990-7