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Магазин Книги Шри Ауробиндо, Матери, Сатпрема.
A Study of Savitri
Под заказ
A Study of Samitri
Prema Nandakumar
This book is substantially the same as the thesis of which the Andhra University, on the unamious recommendation of a Board consisting of Professors Vivian de Sola Pinto, H.O. White and T.J.B. Spencer, awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy on me at the Annual Convocation held in December 1961. The present publication has been kindly sponsored by the Andhra University, with the help of a grant-in-aid from the University Grants Comission, and I am duly grateful to both my Alma Mater and the U.G.C. for thus facilitating the publication of this book so soon after the award of the Degree.
About the Author
Srimati Prema Nandakumar had a first classacademic career in Andhra University. She is a close student of classical and modern Tamil literature. and her translation of Subramania Bharati's poems has been sponsored by UNESCO and Sahitya Akademi. She has published short biographies of Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Bharati. She has contributed numerous critical papers to learned journals and scholarly publications, and 28 of her writings on Indian, English, American and Commonwealth Literature have been collected in The Glory and the Good. And her book reviews and essays on literary and educational themes have been appearing regularly in the Hindu, the Deccan Herald, the Indian Express, Triveni and other papers and journals.A writer of fiction in Tamil and English, one of her collections of Tamil short stories, Amudathuli Uthinnthadu, received the first prize awarded by Tamil Nadu Government for the best collection published in 1983. And her Atom and the Serpent, a Novel of Campus Life in India Today, has been hailed as a "blisteringly honest novel" and "by any standard.. .a remarkable first novel".Prof. Henry W. Wells wrote in Literature East and West: "It is safe to say that among the younger Indian critics none possesses more breadth of knowledge or depth of understanding than Prema Nandakumar's. Her collection of 28 essays, The Glory and the Good, would alone establish her position... The book issues spontaneously from the heart and soul of India".
Мягкий переплет, суперобложка, 568 стр